
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Carp Fair

So I live out in the boonies. And in the boonies there is very little entertainment to be found, which means when something does pop up, it's attended by you, your cousins, your cousins cousins, and even old farmer Ted who lives in seclusion and speaks to nobody other than his sheep. And year after year, Carp Fair has had that spotlight. Carp Fair is a wonderful three-day event with rides, Ferris wheels, Beaver Tails, and of course, farm animal showing and hurdling events. There are farmers markets, hand-crafted jewelry sales booths, window and fireplace sales booths, and of course there's the one tobacco and "medicinal herbs" sales booth. It's a pretty big deal.
For the teenage population however, it's a blatant excuse to get intoxicated with whatever they can find and every year, there is some group of grade 9 children caught by homeland security consuming things they are legally prohibited from consuming. In the middle of the day. When the sun sets, it becomes basically a big rave, with the lights from the rides shinning off the young drunken faces of Hicktown's finest.
I attended Carp Fair this year for the first time without my parents' accompaniment and by surrounding myself with mature people, I actually managed to have some fun. And the apple-cinnamon home-made doughnuts were to die for.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Tattoo Companion & Comic Con Adventures

WOW. What an eventful weekend... My dad got his first tattoo on saturday and naturally, I went with him as self-appointed emotional supporter; I may have also been making an appointment for myself for a few months from now, but more on that when the time comes. For a long time he has wanted to get something done and he finally decided on my brother and I's names embellished with a fleur de lys on his right forearm. Pretty cool. He did not seem to have enjoyed it too too much in the process, I must say - not that I can blame him; getting needles stuck in and out of your skin for an hour and a half can't be anything near a cake walk. Nevertheless, I am excited to get m-...well, all in good time. :)

I also went to Comic Con again and boy was that ever cool. Third year in a row and I dont think I could ever get tired of it. Sadly, no cosplaying was involved for me this time around, but I promised myself that next one would be my time to shine and I've already started planning - totally not what i said last September...better luck next year? Anyways, this one was pretty great; I bought some fan art, rolled some dice, and saw many, many Deadpool cosplays. OH!! I also met Sir Patrick Stewart........ Level. Up.


- FV

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

LUSH: Animal Cruelty and How it Can Be Avoided

I am not a vegetarian; I eat chicken and fish, but that's pretty much it. Over the past three years, I have attempted to live a close-to-vegetarian lifestyle, and boy is it more difficult than it seems. Obviously I didn't jump right into it; I did my research, and found out what foods I could use to supplement my declining meat intake. It's not easy when you're seventeen and living with meat-eating parents, because sometimes there just was no time for them to make two different meals each night to accommodate my new meatless diet. So I slowed down and decided to just avoid red meats, and my parents were definitely more open to that idea and gladly joined me in this endeavor.

The fight against animal cruelty has always been a cause that I have held near and dear to my heart, because really it is my honest opinion that animals ought to be treated with the kindness and respect that they deserve - that's the main reason for which I decided to drastically cut back on meats. There is a mind-blowing amount of animal cruelty in the meat market worldwide and that is something that unfortunately is probably not going to change for a while; people aren't taking enough action in preventing this and encouraging change because in most cases, they don't know about it, or they just don't want to know about it. The world will never be a vegetarian place, humanity has lived too long in the same omnivorous state for it to change now; however there are changes that can be made to avoid treating animals like they are soulless pieces of garbage because they are living breathing beings just like you and me and they do provide the human race with most of its every-day needs - dairy, eggs, furs, skins, meats, the works. I don't preach to people about how vegetarianism is the way to go but I will, with every fiber of my being, implore that you treat what you need to survive with the respect it deserves.

Obviously the most apparent and "out-there" form of animal cruelty that we can ABSOLUTELY AVOID is animal testing. I am not a full vegetarian quite yet but the moment I decided I was going to live a better person and cut back on meats, I stopped buying cosmetics tested on animals. I was never a big makeup-buyer but like everyone else, I use shampoo and conditioner and soap and face washes. I've tried a few different brands for shampoo and conditioner but the one I stuck with for the longest time is Hemp & Co. which is also vegan as well as cruelty-free; not only did I immediately feel good knowing that no animals had been harmed in the creation of the products, it made my hair feel and look significantly better and I haven't used a different one since.

But today I went to LUSH: vegan, cruelty-free and all-natural. And this is what I bought. 
(Pardon the mediocre quality of the picture, I forgot my camera because I'm a dingus.)

Thank You For Smoking

Monday, August 25, 2014


On this 25th of August 2014, I have decided to make this blog. It is currently 10:21 in the evening and I am not quite sure what I will be posting here as my life as a teenage Bunburyist is fairly uneventful and frankly, quite boring. It really seemed like a stroke of genius fifteen minutes ago. Nevertheless, this platform will most likely include some content relating to my everyday life, things I wish were a part of my everyday life, and probably some of my own personal thoughts and feelings on random and perhaps less random...things. My interests include literature, Benedict Cumberbatch, anthropomorphism and cats, and my dislikes include fascism, asparagus, and the inevitable oblivion that we will all one day succumb to - the latter really does suck, doesn't it?

Hopefully you enjoy your stay
please don't step on the momeraths.

- FV